January 21, 2010

Back to The Future Is Now

The Daily Redskin 1.21.10

My first memories of the Washington Redskins date back to 1971, when my family, and a football coach named George Allen, arrived in Washington, DC. 

I was ten.

I was new to town, new to the game, and I fell in love with latter at first sight.

The Over-the-Hill Gang. Sonny. Billy. Larry Brown. Charlie Taylor. Charlie Harraway. Jack Pardee. Len Hauss. Diron Talbert. Chris Hanburger. Roy Jefferson. Jerry Smith. Speedy Duncan. Bill Malinchak.

And of course ... The Future is Now.

The names, images and a certain distinct feeling are locked in my hard drive. 

I suspect I am not alone this morning in being struck, on a very tangible level, by the formal use of "The Future Is Now" in promotional material released by the team yesterday.

I haven't sorted it all through yet. I've been looking at the words on the page, letting the significance soak in. I'm not ready to say at this point if it's a good thing, or a bad thing. I could argue either case with equal conviction, to be honest. 

I justed wanted to pause to tell you, fellow Redskins fan of a certain vintage, that you are not alone in acknowledging the feeling you may have gotten this morning.

It is most definitely a thing ... and most definitely real.

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