April 25, 2011

NFL Draft - History of 10th Overall Pick

Thursday night, the Washington Redskins will have the option of making the 10th overall selection of the 2011 NFL Draft.

Should they use the pick instead of trading it away or abdicating (obligatory royal wedding reference), the young man selected could turn out to be a Hall of Famer. The great DB Rod Woodson was drafted tenth overall in 1987 by the Pittsburgh Steelers, and the immortal Redskins-killing RB Marcus Allen drafted tenth by the Oakland Raiders in 1982.

Of course, as with any pick, the gentleman selected could also turn into a future "who?" There's no need to embarrass anyone by naming names. Just look at the list below--you'll find plenty of examples.

As I like to do every year, I have assembled a list of the players selected at the Redskins' specific pick(s) in a given draft. For the record, this is not intended as a predictor of success or failure, or a suggestion of where I think the team could or should go.

It is simply a self-indulgent exercise in fandom. I'm always intrigued by what the history shows.

Perhaps you are as well.

I went back to 1970, the year of the NFL/AFL merger. I figure that encompasses a couple of generations of players and fans, and covers what most of us deem the "modern era" of the game. Plus, forty years seemed like a good round number (okay, so it's actually 41, but you get the drift).  And let's face it, 1970-2010 just looks better.

So on to the stuff...

The 41 players selected since the merger (1970-2010) at pick number 10 overall break down as follows:
8 Wide Receivers
8 Defensive Backs
6 Linebackers
6 Offensive Tackles
5 Defensive Tackles
3 Running Backs
3 Defensive Ends
1 Quarterback
1 Offensive Guard
I know what number jumps out there. Given the annual (seemingly perennial) spotlight on the Redskins' quest for that most elusive of NFL commodities, the Franchise Quarterback, the fact that only one quarterback has even been selected at ten overall (much less become a star) in 41 years is a little sobering.

Forget the 41 years. In the history of the NFL draft, only four quarterbacks have been selected tenth overall:

2006 - the disappointing Matt Leinert was chosen with the tenth pick in 2006 by the Arizona Cardinals. The former USC standout's NFL career may still turn around (or better, launch), but as of today his selection has to be considered a whiff.

1962 - before Leinert you have to go back all the way to 1962 and Detroit Lions' John Hadl to find the last QB taken tenth overall. That's the bad news. The good news is that Hadl was a stud; six Pro Bowls and chosen All Pro in 1973.

1959 - Lee Grosscup: 3 year career; started 4 games.

1942 - Frankie Albert: 7 year career; 1 Pro Bowl.

And that's it.

You never know, though. If you, like me, believe the Washington Redskins will continue to tread the mediocre middle water of the NFL until they finally, finally field a legitimate, big-time quarterback---a man who can nail down the position for a few years and become the rising tide---maybe history will at long last be kind to the burgundy and gold and use the 2011 tenth pick to slide a Joe Montana, Tom Brady or other surprise legend our way.

I mean, it has to happen eventually.

Doesn't it?
10th Pick Overall, 1970-2010

2010 - DT Tyson Alualu
2009 - WR Michael Crabtree
2008 - LB Jerod Mayo
2007 - DT Amobi Okoye
2006 - QB Matt Leinert
2005 - WR Mike Williams
2004 - CB Dunta Robinson
2003 - LB Terrell Suggs
2002 - OT Levi Jones
2001 - DE Jamal Reynolds
2000 - WR Travis Taylor
1999 - CB Chris McAlister
1998 - CB Duane Starks
1997 - OG Chris Naeole
1996 - OT Willie Anderson
1995 - WR J.J. Stokes
1994 - LB Jamir Miller
1993 - RB Jerome Bettis
1992 - OT Ray Roberts
1991 - WR Herman Moore
1990 - DE Ray Agnew
1989 - LB Eric Hill
1988 - OT Eric Moore
1987 - CB Rod Woodson
1986 - RB Keith Byars
1985 - WR Al Toon
1984 - DB Russell Carter
1983 - DB Terry Kinard
1982 - RB Marcus Allen
1981 - WR David Verser
1980 - DE Jacob Green
1979 - OT Keith Dorney
1978 - OT Gordon King
1977 - DB Gary Green
1976 - DB James Hunter
1975 - DT Jimmy Webb
1974 - DT Bill Sandifer
1973 - DT Joe Ehrmann
1972 - LB Jeff Siemon
1971 - LB Isiah Robertson
1970 - WR Ken Burrough


Anonymous said...

Idiotic post. This homer blather is such crap. Grow a pair, man. The Skins blow. They need to build their lines first, but you've got a tiny little woodie over drafting a QB. Pathetic. You know nothing about football (which, obviously, helps you be a fan of the Snyder-Skins).

Sad little man.

Mark "Om" Steven said...

It seems my ex got her computer working again.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He forgot to mention your bad breath and horrible fashion sense. Cowboys fans...sheesh...

Anonymous said...

I vote that he's probably a spurned mancrush - with or without a ban - from a past life message board. Somebody who really wants to impress Om.

Anyway, good post. Since it takes longer to develop QB's than it does linemen, we can hope that Shanny finds his next Elway in this one. If he could trade back while doing it, I'd be very encouraged.

Mark "Om" Steven said...

The lack of fashion thing I'll cop to. Never have been one to worry much over sartorial sensibilities. I clean up pretty good when it's called for, but generally you'll find me in jeans and t-shirt or logo-free polo.

The bad breath thing I figured out and beat a long time ago though. I like girls.

I've said it before and I'll say it again--every year, in fact, until the Redskins actually do manage to get another legit top-flight NFL QB--a Franchise QB is the rising tide. Until you have one, you're just battling the current with all the rest of the fishes.

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