The When
I am proud, excited (and probably a little scared) to announce that unless something goes terribly wrong, at high noon (12:00 pm EST) tomorrow, Wednesday, July 15, 2009, we are throwing open the doors to a burgundy and gold obsession ... a destination we hope you might find a new little slice of Washington Redskins heaven.
The Where

The What
I had intended to use this piece to list and briefly describe some of BGO’s scope and features, but once I started it became information overload. That’s not hype, either, as you will discover once you start poking around. So I simply extend this invitation to visit and spend some time pushing buttons and following the linkage.
Guaranteed it will take you more than one visit.
The Who (rock on)
I will tell you briefly about the men behind the curtain (who will rightly share in the ignominy should this baby crash and burn). John “Boone” Jeffries, Mike “MR Historian” Richman (yes, that one–author of the Redskins Encyclopedia), and Sol “Pravda” Kuckleman.
Messrs. Jeffries and Kuckleman many of you will recognize from their contributions to Extremeskins, where we all met and became lifelong friends as members of the ES staff. Mr. Richman you already know through his seminal book and contributions over the years to And if you don’t ... BGO is the place to remedy that.
The Why
I was also going to write about the key question many of you may be asking—why another Redskins site?—but happily for all of us, my friend and colleague beat me to it yesterday. So without further ado, I give you John “Boone” Jeffries, and about as dead-on a piece as could possibly have been written about what we are doing, and why:
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away (they called it ‘The 60’s’), I became a Washington Redskin’s fan. One day, shortly after Al Gore invented this incredible thing called ‘the Interwebs’, I wandered into a fan forum, something they called a ‘messageboard’, and discovered a whole new culture out there – communities of fans clustered together to discuss, argue, expound, prognosticate, mourn, rib, and generally have fun together.
I found a great messageboard community and became a big part of it. But like a great head of hair, all good things come to an end. Then, one day, while talking to my best friend on the planet (he happens to be a Redskins fan too), it occurred to us – if you want a better mousetrap, why not build it yourself?
So for the past 6 months, we’ve been thinking and experimenting and hammering and nailing and painting and creating in agonizing excruciating detail our own little perfect corner of the burgundy and gold universe. You might even say we’ve become obsessed with it.
This week ‘BGO’ is finally born, and we think it’s going to be a special place for fans of the Washington Redskins.
With a wealth of existing Redskins internet sites available, one might wonder - what makes this place so special? Great question! First, I hear the guys running the joint are super cool. Secondly, we’re shooting for something rarely found in communities on the world wide web – civility, intelligent discourse, and respectful dialogue. It won’t just be a goal of our community, but an expectation of our members. Oh, and as an added bonus, we like to have fun too! Finally, we think you’ll find our site one of the most feature-rich, energetic, and creative sites both visually and content-wise, anywhere. We’re motivated. We’re committed.
We’re good-looking and sexy. Hell, lets face it – we’re obsessed with the burgundy and gold.
We’re betting you are too.
So we invite you – walk, don’t run (unless you really feel the urge, in which case watch out for the corners of that coffee table) to your nearest PC or laptop. Sit down and take a deep breath. Everybody still with me? Now, it’s time to log-in ...
We hope you’ll register and check us out. And if you really want to be wowed, we’d recommend you consider becoming a Premium member so you can benefit from and enjoy access to all of our features. If you don’t, you’ll never know for sure if the rest of us are talking about you behind your back!
Join us my friends, there’s really no use fighting an obsession. It’s much easier just to give in and embrace it.
Hope to see you there.

Looking forward to it.
Looking forward to it! much success!
At last, I'll wander in right after work for sure.
Woo Hoo!!
Looks like I can't register until the 15th....see ya then.
Thanks, all. Pretty stoked.
And Walking Deadman ... I mean, the piece DOES say the site's opening on the 15th. ;)
Thanks, that's what happens when I skim articles and click links...... :)
Looking forward to chatting on the boards with you guys. It's funny b/c it was some of the events last year on ES that led me to create my blog as well.
Good luck with the site.
I've been so deep in the cave I didn't know you had started a blog--my bad. Thanks for the link, and you've been added to the blog roll here. Good stuff, man.
Well done, my friend. Look forward to participating.
Thanks, Rich. Here's to new horizons ...
Good Job guys. Never enough Redskins sites and civility is always a good thing. :)
Is it is going to be run like a Nazi prison camp like ES, count me out
Well, my anonymous friend, if you are the kind of poster who casually likens football message boards to Auschwitz, we will probably take you up on that.
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